Wednesday, December 30, 2009


A couple of weeks ago, in my last blog, I mentioned how I woke in the middle of the night within a channeled message that I never got to the end of.  In that blog I mentioned some of the material I had received, but not all of it.  The rest was about what we can expect in the new year.  I had hoped that by December 31st, I would have received the rest of the message, but alas, it is now the 30th and I still have not.

So I have decided to write about what I did hear and my thoughts around it.

When I think of the coming year 2010, I typically pronounce it “two thousand ten”.  In fact, my mind was so attached to that pronunciation that when a friend at a Christmas party first told me of his idea for the “twenty-ten game”, I didn’t even think he was talking about the coming year.

He described to me his game, and it went something like this.  All of us at the party were to sit in a circle, meditate for guidance, and then write any predictions for 2010 that came to mind. The game will not end until 12/31/2010 because his plan is to track how many of the predictions come true!

Now, of course you would expect that I would be all excited about the “twenty-ten” game.  We sat in a circle, holding hands, and I ran some energy.  I could feel the energy shift and I even “heard” the result.  Yet, when it came time to write a prediction or two, my mind was blank.  All I heard were others’ thoughts, those that I have read or listened to.

I wanted to write something of my own, but all I had were a few words spoken to me in that channeled message; words that were abstract enough to not hold any discernible prediction.  So I remained mute.  [And for those that know me, it does happen every now and again! :-)]

So, what was that single phrase that held so much energy for me when I heard it early that one December morning?

Two thousand ten is the year when two worlds collide and one emerges.

They showed it to me this way:

2 0 1 0

Two collide and become zero.  Out of nothing, one emerges and moves into the unknown.

Okay.  Interesting.  So what does that mean?

Before we dissect the symbolic phrase above, I want to share something that literally just popped in when I started this blog.

So while my mind was stuck on “two thousand ten”, my friend says “twenty-ten” and suddenly I find myself in an unexpected place, mentally.  It was like within a dark room in my mind, a light switched on.  How was it that when he said “twenty-ten” I never thought of 2010, but rather 20 10, 20:10, or 20/10?  For a few weeks, I just noticed the energy of the experience, but never came to any conclusions about it... until now.

If I write “twenty-ten” this way:


What does that mean to you?  Does it ring any bells?  How about if I write this:

20/20  - “twenty-twenty”

What does that make you think of?

Yes, exactly, 20/20 is perfect vision!  Actually, it is not perfect vision, but the vision of a healthy person, the expected vision.  The reason it is not perfect, is there are some people walking the planet who have better than perfect vision.  Yes, some even have 20/10 vision.  20/10 vision is when one sees at 20 feet what a “normal” person sees at 10.  That means their vision is TWICE as good as a normal person!

So, my dear friend that thought of the “2010 Game” was actually quite on to something.  His 2010 game was really looking for 20/10 vision within the group.  He wanted to see if someone could “see” twice as good as a normal person and thus “see” into the future!

Wow!  That’s cool.  I love the way spirit prods me with information.  Even when I don’t understand the message when it is given, I get enough of a hit to know that it is a message and to just sit with it for a while.

So, en route back to the original message:

2 0 1 0

Let me tell you this.  After I completed A Fool’s Journey, and people started reading it, I was asked, “What are you going to write about now?”  I once told a friend that I wanted to write a book on numerology, but then added a numerology section to A Fool’s Journey and thought I was done.

Maybe I am writing a book on numerology, just one blog entry at a time.  My loyal readers have by now surely noticed that I blog about numbers a lot!

So, this week, we are back to 1, 2 and 0. I have written about all of these before, but is there more to say on the subject?

Of course!  For nearly three weeks now, I have been listening to this phrase echo in my mind, “Two worlds collide; one emerges.” and I have been pulling, polling and pining for more information.  “Ask and you shall receive.

One place I always find more information is the Tarot and in the Tarot, we have four minor suits and a 2 within each of them.

As I thought of the 2’s in the Tarot, I found myself seeing four different symbols for the number 2.  They can be summarized as follows.

||   V   ↗  ☯

At the 2 of Pentacles, we see a man juggling two coins.  The meaning of this card is a person who is juggling two aspects of their life.  It could be a person who is trying to balance home and work life.  It could also be someone who has one foot in (a job, a relationship, a belief system) and one foot out.  I think of the 2 of Pentacles as this:


Two parallel paths. One is not greater than the other.  It is like cross-country skiing.  As long as the two paths remain parallel, you can straddle the two.  But what happens if they diverge?


This symbol illustrates divergence.  It is the fork in the road, and when a decision needs to be made.  This is the 2 of Swords.  On this card, we see a woman who is blindfolded sitting on a rock at the edge of a rough sea.  She holds two swords in perfect balance.  Recently, I heard a card reader describe it this way.  “She must put one sword down in order to remove her blindfold, but by then, she has already chosen which sword to keep and which to let go of.”

The lesson of the 2 of Swords is faith.  You can’t see each path to the end, you have to choose one and then take it.  The other message of this card is that the paths are equal.  Success is not in what is chosen, but THAT a choice is made!  The longer you sit waiting to make a choice, the more the fear can grow.

Next, I want to direct your attention to the 2 of Wands.  Here I will use this as a symbol:

In geometry, we learn that it takes 2 points to describe a line.  In other words, once you have a second point, you have direction.  Where you are right now is the first point.  Where you want to go is the second.  The path ahead is what lies in between.  At the 2 of Wands, we have a path.  We may not have started walking it just yet, but we have direction, and given one step at a time, we’ll get there.

The last suit to address is Cups.  At the 2 of Cups, we see a man and a woman; each offers the other a sip from his or her cup.  The meaning of this card is the bringing together of opposites in harmony.  Romantic love is certainly hinted, but not always the meaning of this card.  What’s my symbol for the 2 of Cups?

Yin-Yang, balance and harmony.  All of the 2s describe balance, but the 2 of Cups represents the most stable and most harmonious form of balance: giving and receiving, flow.

So now, before this entry gets too long, lets look at the message from spirit once again.  “Two worlds collide.  One emerges.”  Is this saying that we have a foot in two worlds like the 2 of Pentacles and that one of them must be let go of?  Does this mean that we must make a choice as with the 2 of Swords and then follow the new path as shown by the 2 of Wands?  Or is the collision a merging, a joining of conflicting beliefs that will harmoniously merge into a single marriage as shown by the 2 of Cups?

Maybe it is all of these.  I for one have noticed that I have been living two very different worlds intermittently these past few years.  In one of them, I am progressing, am happy, am connected, am full of energy.  It is when I write (blogs and books) and read (cards).  It is when I feel that I am on THE path and living my purpose.

But in the other?  Well, I don’t write about that one much.  I don’t show many that place because it is not an inspiring one.  It is filled with 5's.  I hint at this it when I tell you what each of the 5's of the Tarot means, but that’s it.

So, in 2010, am I going to let go of the 5's and embrace the 2's, finally?  Am I going to lay down that unneeded coin (or sword) making a choice and then walk solely on that path with both feet?  And will I be accompanied by a partner, an equal, one to give to and receive from?

And will “twenty-ten” be the year when my vision becomes better than perfect?  Will I see twice as many guiding messages as ever before?

Whatever 2010 brings, I am sure it will be creative and inspiring, after all, it is a 3 year (2+0+1+0=3).  And for me personally, it is a 7, and I am sure THAT will be deeply insightful.

The numbers I have been seeing the whole time I have been writing this blog have been showing me that I am right where I need to be.

Tomorrow is 12/31/2009.  It is a 9 (1+2+3+1+2+0+0+9 = 18, 1+8=9).  No better way to end a decade than on a 9.  Let the New Year’s celebrations cleanse the past 12 months, the past 10 years, the entire past of duality.

I ask to release all that I am holding on to that is not mine
And I know I AM freed

Happy New Year and Happy New Decade my friends!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prayer and Affirmation

The other night, I woke in the middle of the night while receiving a channeled message in my head.  The message was eloquent and insightful.  I was excited to be receiving it and anticipated where it was going.

At first I just listened, but was at the same time, trying to burn the message into my memory.  I wanted to remember it to share it with y’all, but it was just too good to chance it, so I jumped out of bed in the cold and dark and dug out my laptop.  Normally, my laptop is simply asleep, but this night, it was off.  By the time it booted up and I got comfortable on the sofa to type, I lost the connection.

I wrote for a bit hoping to catch back up to it, but it was gone and the words that came through my fingers were just not anything like I had been hearing.

Well, today is 12/12 and it is time for a blog message, so I am going to dive in and see where we end up.

In one part of the message, they were speaking about Prayer, Affirmation, and Manifestation.  It went something like this:

You have been told, “Ask and you shall receive.”
We of Abraham say it this way: “Ask and It is Given”.
In both cases, the path of manifestation starts with ‘Ask’ and ‘Ask’ is Prayer.

When you pray, you say, “I ask...”
When you are intent, you say, “I will...”
When you are at pure manifestation, you say, “I am...”

When you are at pure manifestation, you say, “I am”.  That is not to say the opposite is true though.  Saying “I am” is not pure manifestation without the belief behind it.  And that is what Affirmation is about.

In Affirmation, by saying the words “I am”, we hope to bridge the gap between prayer and manifestation.  That’s why we say these words over and over again.  Hearing our own lips say these words helps us believe them.

Yet, straight Affirmation has always been a challenge for me.  It feels dishonest.  When I am feeling down, to say, “I am happy” is simply a lie.

Those who know me know that I am just too much of a stickler for words.  It’s a gift and a flaw.  I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had in my life that were simply about searching for just the right word to describe an experience or feeling that I had.

“So, what was it like?”
“Well, it was sort of like riding a roller-coaster, but not really.”
“Was it like driving fast on a windy road.”
“Well, not exactly.  It was like driving fast on a windy road in a semi.”
“A semi?”
“Well, more like a UPS truck; one that I had never driven before, well, maybe one I drove once before.”

You get the point.  So, do you think a man like this can ever hope to state an outright lie in the hopes of manifesting that exact experience into true reality?  No, I don’t either.  I may be an optimistic guy, but I am probably a realist first and an optimist second.

I am not sure if you’ve heard me say this or not, since I can remember if I ever wrote about it in my blog, but the best deliberate manifesters are the feelers.  If you can feel joy and then focus on something you desire, you will manifest it with such ease and speed, you’ll make others’ heads spin.  People will be green with envy at how easy it is for you!

The second best manifesters are the true optimists.  If you really think things will work out, they will!  Optimism breeds more optimism, a la Law of Attraction.

So what about the rest of us?

Luckily, there are plenty of bright lights shining their gifts on the rest of us.  Some of those bright lights around here have been helping me, whether they knew it or not.  They reminded me.  They inspired me.  They guided me.  They shared with me and in looking back; I see the messages sent to me through them.

One such message was to use Prayer to clear some old stuff that has come back around.  And another was to begin using Affirmation.

When I first learned the Akashic Records Prayer as part of reading the Records, I also learned the Forgiveness Prayer, one I used for a good 28 days in a row.  This time, a friend gave me pages and pages of Prayer, about 20 minutes worth.

Prayer, like Affirmation, is meant to induce a state of connection.  For that matter, Prayer, Affirmation and Meditation are all pretty similar; they are paths to Source.

It was then that I had an idea.  The best way for me to resonate with something, be it Prayer, Affirmation or Meditation, is to make it my own.  So I sat down to write a Prayer for the specific clearing I was seeking.  Lo and behold, what came out was half Prayer and half Affirmation.

This was cool!  I hadn’t really come across something like this before.

When you pray, you say, “I ask...”
When you are at pure manifestation, you say, “I am...”

By weaving Prayer with Affirmation, we have dialog, Ask and Receive.

In numerology, A is 1 and R is 9, thus ‘Ask’ and ‘Receive’ can be represented by 1 and 9.  The path from the 1 to the 9 is a journey, The Journey, The Fool’s Journey, which repeats over and over again.  It IS manifestation; it is why we are here.


The name of the Prayer that I wrote is this:

In the knowing that I AM forever connected to ALL THAT IS

Click here to see it.

And if you like it, use it, change it, make it your own; keep what you resonate with and throw out the rest.

Then do let me know what comes of it...

