Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Question about Numbers

A friend and client recently wrote to me asking a question about a set of numbers he sees regularly.  I have received similar questions before and therefore asked if he would be okay with me blogging the answer.  He said, "yes," so here we are.

This is the question as he wrote it:

[My partner] suggested I send you an email about something that happens to me very regularly.  For as long as I can remember, the numbers 3-1-3 have been constants in my life.  My mom was born at 3:13 AM, my dad's birthday is March 13 (3-13), I constantly look at clocks, or things with numbers and it says 313.  Three times this past weekend, I looked at a clock or watch and it was 3:13 PM, 3:13 AM or 3:13 PM.  My mileage read out will say 313 miles, the calorie counter on the tread mill will say 3.13 miles, 313 minutes.  I always point it out to [my partner] and he said to see if you might have some insight into what this may mean!  Any ideas?

Before I get into the specifics of his question, let me describe my own experience, a question I posed to spirit, and their answer.

About fifteen years ago, I started seeing specific combinations of numbers regularly.  When I saw them, I also felt something that let me know there was a message there.

The first set of numbers that I would see (typically on a clock) were 5:26.  This made sense to me because that is my birthday – 5/26.  Soon, the phenomena morphed and I would notice myriad times on a clock that ended with :26. In fact, it really got weird one night when I went to a movie with a college roommate.  As we waited for the movie to start, we talked and conversation led to this oddity that I was experiencing.  Little to my knowledge, my friend was carrying a small digital clock in his pocket and as I spoke of the :26 quirkiness, he slowly pulled it out and looked at it.  His face paled slightly as he turned the clock so I could see it.  It read 9:26! We both shivered!

Years later, the :26 trend gave way to double digits, triple digits and double-double digits.  Examples are, of course, 11:11, 11:22, 12:22, 1:11, 4:44, etc.  Some days, I would catch a number of these as the day went on, and other days, nothing.  I’ve even had phone conversations that spanned the hour between 11:00 am and 12:00 pm where I caught only the double-doubles and never a minute otherwise (11:11, 11:22, 11:33, 11:44, 11:55).  I was completely involved in the conversation not trying to do anything; it just happened that way.

If you read the blog often, you’ve heard me talk of numbers I see when I am writing.  I first write blog entries in MS Word, and that program keeps track of the number of words written.  It only updates every now and again.  Just a moment ago, it counted 444, which displayed in the middle of a natural pause.

So, what do these numbers mean?  That’s what everyone wants to know, of course.

So one day, I asked spirit this question, “Why do you show me the numbers some days and not others?”  I couldn’t quite find a pattern between the days I caught the numbers and the days I didn’t.

Some short time after that, in a moment of absolute clarity, I heard this reply as if spoken to me,
“We don’t show you numbers some days and not others. You sometimes see them and sometimes not.  They are a reminder to yourself of the times when you are listening.  It is just the same with our guidance.  We are always guiding you, you are just sometimes listening and sometimes not.  When you see the numbers, you are simply reminding yourself that you are listening a little bit better than when you do not.”

That made complete sense to me.  It also answered another question I had.  There have been a number of times in the past when I have received very clear information while, let’s say, under the influence.  However, most of the time, it was as if I entered a room where a conversation was already going on.  No one stopped talking to welcome me.  No one said, “Hi David!  Now that you are here, we have something to tell you.”  Instead, I walked into the middle of a dissertation of sorts.  The tapes had been rolling and I just picked it up in the middle and followed along.

So guidance is always forth coming.  That’s why it is always available.  No, we do not hear it all of the time, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there.

So, now let’s dive into my friend’s specific question.

It is 12:12 right now, and they wish to speak directly.  (My words interjected are placed in [square brackets] ).

Dear M____, What David wrote above, to some degree, applies to you and all reading this. You are within constant guidance and you each set up specific ways to remind yourself of this.

However, in your case, you are doing more than just trying to catch your attention.  You work with machines [computers] and are, at times, surrounded with numbers [in your field of vision on the screen or on paper].  The numbers chosen had to have special and specific meaning for you.

In your case, the numbers date back to before your birth.  They relate and connect your lineage, your mother and your father.  They indicate a longevity of plan.

In the most basic case, they are evidence of something more.  We had David pull three Tarot cards for you.  The first card in the position of “past” is Death (#13).  The center card, your “present”, is the 3 of Wands. And the final card, “future” is the Queen of Wands.  Reading from the center out? 3-13-Q

The 3 of Wands simply means “evidence”.  It is when you can see what is happening on a deeper level.  This 3-13 phenomena is just that, evidence.  Yet it is also a message indicating something about who you are.

In the center of 3-1-3 is 1.  As a 1, you are unique.  Yes, all of you are unique, but you, M___, have an acceptance of this more than most.  You are not rebelling against the whole, just simply being the 1 that you are.

As 3-13, there is another message.  3-13 is also 3-4 (the 13 reducing 1+3=4).  The message here is the creation (3) of stability (4).  Part of your gift to the world is through your creating of stability wherever you set your intention to do so.  You do this in your job every day.  You do this in your family. You do this in your clan [friends].

Returning to 3-1-3, there is yet another message. 
[As I pause, the word count is 1113.]  3-1-3 in this regard means three 1’s and a 3 or 1113.  [Another pause as I arrive at 1131.]  This message is in part a clue for your future.  Three 1s come together and then 3.  Three individuals come together to create.  Allow this coded message to flow into your being.  Allow it to inspire within you some course of action as it presents itself.  This is, of course, a potential that lies before you.

Lastly, 3-1-3 means the creating (3) of self (1) in order to create (3) again.  As you create, you develop a new version of who you are and that new greater version of who you are then goes out and creates at a new and greater level.  That is your purpose; that is your course; that is how you live; and that is how you will continue.  Always look to see how your past creations helped you become who you now are, and then look to where the new you wants to go in terms of future creations.

And this last message is where you are an example for the rest of us.  You (as the 1 between two 3’s) were chosen to help convey this message to everyone.  You all are 3-1-3.  Your purpose is to create (3), your purpose is to create who you are becoming (3-1), and your purpose it to then embrace who you have become to create anew (3-1-3).  This is the cycle of creation as written in A Fool’s Journey.

When you all see evidence of your creating (3 of Wands), be it good/successful/pleasing or bad/unsuccessful/displeasing, know that it is merely information.  In creating your self expression, you are continually deciding on what to keep (3 of Pentacles) and what to cut away (3 of Swords).

Celebrate (3 of Cups) this process!  If you could not see the “bad” results, you could not know how to improve your creating!

It was only a day ago when we showed David, via a dream, masters performing their work.  And a single day later, and in response to that very blog, one of them stands up into the light, for all to see. He, of course, did not know that that was what he was doing!  Ha! Surprise for him!

Who’s next?  Who else would like to drop their mask of modesty and allow the world to see their mastery?  Is it you?
I would like to add a few notes to the bottom of this blog.  The Death card is about Transformation or Transmutation.  In a way, it is a path to stability through significant change.  The Queen of Wands is a woman who is fully within her power.  She remains soft and at the same time radiant.  True power need not look male (even within men).

Also, it is interesting that today is 4-14...

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