Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prayer and Affirmation

The other night, I woke in the middle of the night while receiving a channeled message in my head.  The message was eloquent and insightful.  I was excited to be receiving it and anticipated where it was going.

At first I just listened, but was at the same time, trying to burn the message into my memory.  I wanted to remember it to share it with y’all, but it was just too good to chance it, so I jumped out of bed in the cold and dark and dug out my laptop.  Normally, my laptop is simply asleep, but this night, it was off.  By the time it booted up and I got comfortable on the sofa to type, I lost the connection.

I wrote for a bit hoping to catch back up to it, but it was gone and the words that came through my fingers were just not anything like I had been hearing.

Well, today is 12/12 and it is time for a blog message, so I am going to dive in and see where we end up.

In one part of the message, they were speaking about Prayer, Affirmation, and Manifestation.  It went something like this:

You have been told, “Ask and you shall receive.”
We of Abraham say it this way: “Ask and It is Given”.
In both cases, the path of manifestation starts with ‘Ask’ and ‘Ask’ is Prayer.

When you pray, you say, “I ask...”
When you are intent, you say, “I will...”
When you are at pure manifestation, you say, “I am...”

When you are at pure manifestation, you say, “I am”.  That is not to say the opposite is true though.  Saying “I am” is not pure manifestation without the belief behind it.  And that is what Affirmation is about.

In Affirmation, by saying the words “I am”, we hope to bridge the gap between prayer and manifestation.  That’s why we say these words over and over again.  Hearing our own lips say these words helps us believe them.

Yet, straight Affirmation has always been a challenge for me.  It feels dishonest.  When I am feeling down, to say, “I am happy” is simply a lie.

Those who know me know that I am just too much of a stickler for words.  It’s a gift and a flaw.  I can’t tell you how many conversations I’ve had in my life that were simply about searching for just the right word to describe an experience or feeling that I had.

“So, what was it like?”
“Well, it was sort of like riding a roller-coaster, but not really.”
“Was it like driving fast on a windy road.”
“Well, not exactly.  It was like driving fast on a windy road in a semi.”
“A semi?”
“Well, more like a UPS truck; one that I had never driven before, well, maybe one I drove once before.”

You get the point.  So, do you think a man like this can ever hope to state an outright lie in the hopes of manifesting that exact experience into true reality?  No, I don’t either.  I may be an optimistic guy, but I am probably a realist first and an optimist second.

I am not sure if you’ve heard me say this or not, since I can remember if I ever wrote about it in my blog, but the best deliberate manifesters are the feelers.  If you can feel joy and then focus on something you desire, you will manifest it with such ease and speed, you’ll make others’ heads spin.  People will be green with envy at how easy it is for you!

The second best manifesters are the true optimists.  If you really think things will work out, they will!  Optimism breeds more optimism, a la Law of Attraction.

So what about the rest of us?

Luckily, there are plenty of bright lights shining their gifts on the rest of us.  Some of those bright lights around here have been helping me, whether they knew it or not.  They reminded me.  They inspired me.  They guided me.  They shared with me and in looking back; I see the messages sent to me through them.

One such message was to use Prayer to clear some old stuff that has come back around.  And another was to begin using Affirmation.

When I first learned the Akashic Records Prayer as part of reading the Records, I also learned the Forgiveness Prayer, one I used for a good 28 days in a row.  This time, a friend gave me pages and pages of Prayer, about 20 minutes worth.

Prayer, like Affirmation, is meant to induce a state of connection.  For that matter, Prayer, Affirmation and Meditation are all pretty similar; they are paths to Source.

It was then that I had an idea.  The best way for me to resonate with something, be it Prayer, Affirmation or Meditation, is to make it my own.  So I sat down to write a Prayer for the specific clearing I was seeking.  Lo and behold, what came out was half Prayer and half Affirmation.

This was cool!  I hadn’t really come across something like this before.

When you pray, you say, “I ask...”
When you are at pure manifestation, you say, “I am...”

By weaving Prayer with Affirmation, we have dialog, Ask and Receive.

In numerology, A is 1 and R is 9, thus ‘Ask’ and ‘Receive’ can be represented by 1 and 9.  The path from the 1 to the 9 is a journey, The Journey, The Fool’s Journey, which repeats over and over again.  It IS manifestation; it is why we are here.


The name of the Prayer that I wrote is this:

In the knowing that I AM forever connected to ALL THAT IS

Click here to see it.

And if you like it, use it, change it, make it your own; keep what you resonate with and throw out the rest.

Then do let me know what comes of it...



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