I was doing Tarot card readings for friends last night and in the center of one of the readings was the 7 of Swords, the present situation. When I tuned into that card, I heard the word negotiation. I've never thought of that word for that card before, but I went with it.
"What are you negotiating for right now?"
"Are you feeling like you have to negotiate with others to get what you want or need?"
Both of these questions flew out of my mouth. The querent (the friend I was doing the reading for) seemed to resonate with what I was saying. She mostly just nodded in response, but was deep in thought at the same time.
The questions above must have sat with me because I started noticing a pattern around me. I realized that a number of people, including myself, have been hovering around a particular architypical situation:
Compromise is one way to negotiate.
"If I give up a little over here, then maybe I can get that over there."
Have you been having thoughts like this recently? Do any of these sound familiar?
"If I stop eating dessert, then I might lose some weight."
"If I lose ten pounds, I'll look and feel so much better."
"If I stop buying _____, then I think I'll be able to make it in this economy."
"If I give up ______, then I can have _____."
So spirit was asking my friend, and really all of us, to notice and be aware of our negotiating. Intuitively, I knew to pull another card and place it below the 7 of Swords. I asked the question, "What is the underlying aspect of this situation?" as I turned over the Wheel of Fortune. Fortunes rise and fortunes fall.
It is a belief in the ups and downs of life that causes us to negotiate for what we want. We think we can't have it all. We look around and see that no one we know has it all, so we compromise.
"You have to give up eating _____ to lose weight."
"You and I can't both have what we want, so one of us has to give something up if we are going to stay together."
"You can't have it both ways, so if you want to keep this job, you have to give up that one."
What about trying some of these thoughts?
"I love my life the way it is AND I now want ____ as well."
"If I really can have it all, then I'll take some of ____ and a little of ____."
Spirit reminded me (again) that thought creates. If thought creates, then present experience is the result of past thought. When you find yourself having a specific experience, it is showing you a specific thought that you have had in the past with enough conviction to have brought into physical reality.
Thus, if you find yourself negotiating with yourself or others in the attempt to bring something into your life (or keep something in your life), then that experience is showing you, educating you on a limiting belief that you have about that area of your life. Experience always contains information. Light and information are the same thing. Experience is therefore enlightening, if we so choose to notice.
In your current situation, you may surely have to negotiate because you are still working with the physical manifestation of your old thoughts. Don't fight it. Find the center of your Wheel of Fortune and let the chaos around you work itself out. Do as you are guided. However, in your moments of focus, remind yourself that you can have it all.
Win-win is another way to negotiate. It always exists, you just may not be see it right away. It is not your job to force a win-win, you need only allow it, to see it when it is in front of you and believe in it (focus your thoughts on it).
Ask to see it.
Blessing to you all,
Saturday, March 28, 2009
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