I have been pretty much down, for some time now. Can't seem to shake it.
Well, let's see what we can do about that. I am feeling like 'they' want to talk to you directly - so this is going to be more like a straight channeling from them. Is that okay?
Sure. Exciting.
It is exciting indeed.
David is filling with an energy of excitement as he allows more of us to come through for you. Of course the benefit is for both of you. It always works this way. One cannot be in service of another and not be in service of themselves.
First - we wish to allow you to 'unburden' some of what you have been experiencing. Vent is a term frequently used in your language. Tell us what has been troubling you. See if you can express the emotion with the words like you are sending it out - casting it out of you - setting these troublesome emotions free.
First would be the nervousness of my husband being laid off and not receiving any job prospects. The frustration is overwhelming.
His frustration and your nervousness, or are you also frustrated? See if you can separate what he feels from what you feel.
Both of us frustrated and nervous. I know I feel what he feels so I get it double.
For a few moments - while David types - see if you can continue to separate what he feels and what you feel. You should - sooner than later - find the differences.
You see - you are very empathic. Your relationship with you mother helped that gift grow strong within you. However, it does not feel like a gift - more like a curse - to many like you. Yet it is pretty much the highest gift one can receive - at least during the time when you received it.
We will explain shortly. For now, visualize what your husband feels and what you feel as two separate bodies of energy. Yes, they are close together. Yes, they even exchange electrons of emotion, yet they are separate. And what makes them separate is that you have control over yours but not his. It may not feel that way, but it is that way. When you perceive them as one, then you only feel lack of control.
So the first stage is to find the separation between them.
Now the real truth is that as you separate them, and learn better to guide your own, you will ultimately change it all. That is the power in the gift of empathy. You can more easily change what another feels because of your acute ability to feel it very much they way they do. But your focus must be on what YOU feel, not what THEY feel, even if it feels the same.
So, the empathy tool works like this: You are in the presence of another; you tune into them; you perceive what they perceive - feel what they feel; feel AS they feel.
In a sense, it is like you become them - see their world through their eyes. This, in a sense, makes a copy of their experience and places it in your own. If you think about this in the terms of the Akashic Records (or similarly as video recording), you make a copy of their experience and then have your own copy. Up to this point, you are extremely proficient.
Do you agree so far?
Yes, I do.
Okay - so here is what to do next: Now you have a copy of what another feels, and most commonly your husband because you are most close to him. So now you get to do whatever you wish with your copy. You have not been told this, so you have only thought that your role is to carry it.
You may have even been told to carry it like a cross (in your childhood). Yet, that is simply one choice and not a fortunate one. Now that you have created this copy - you can play with it, shift it, move it, send it into the earth, transform it, express it.
There are so many possibilities. But the first thing you might want to do with it is remember that it is not yours.
It is yours in as much as you created a copy for yourself, but it is not yours meaning that you did not create it from scratch. You did not manifest it and so there really is no reason for you to carry it. There wouldn't be anyway - even if you did manifest it, but many of you feel more responsibility for your own creations.
Allow an example:
Suppose someone at works makes a mistake, a costly mistake, and one that require much effort to undo, hours’ worth. The person who made the mistake will likely feel the most responsible for it. They will feel that they should be the one to pay for it
So you come along and being the light worker, the loving compassionate person that you are, you wish to help. You say to this friend, this loved one, "It's okay. You do not need to do this all by yourself. I'll help"
Now, ideally, you would always remember who you really are. You would always see your light and know you are helping and had chosen to do so. And you would thus be able to mend the error without ever feeling responsible for it. You would just feel the joy of helping another.
Yet, at this point, many of you Lightworkers haven't yet been able to hold on to sight [memory] of yourselves [who you really are]. When you get down into the nitty-gritty of energy work, you forget who you are and then are "stuck".
Okay - let's go back to the energy bubbles, his and yours. Can you visualize how yours is just a copy of his?
Can you visualize his as three-dimensional and yours as just a two-dimensional video of his?
It is okay if you cannot.
It is difficult because they are very similar.
Some of these visualizations are being suggested and may not be consciously "doable" now, but the suggestion will plant a seed within you. Another is this: see if you can imagine his outside of you and yours inside of you.
I can do that.
It's me again. I have to come back for a minute.
I don't have to so much as I did.
I think I am now empathically experiencing it and that has brought me back. I think they want me to play as you do - in it.
Oh, I just remembered something.
[I explained a situation a few years ago where I was dealing with outside energies.]
So I asked them what to do with it and they said, "Don’t worry about
They also said, when it is in the house, you can do literal house cleaning because that transmutes the energy as well
What if your body is rebelling and you are physically and mentally exhausted [and] in physical pain[?] [A]ll I wish to do when I get home is to retreat inside myself.
One sec - I am going to bring them back...
The desire to retreat inside of oneself is one of self-preservation. It is one learned at an early age when too much has been absorbed. The physical pain is simply an indicator that too much has been absorbed. When the gift of the empath is given, it is never intended for the "copy" to be held on to.
Okay, when you feel that all you want to do is retreat, tell us what you do? Do you retreat?
Sit, stare at the TV (not really watching), sometimes reading but not wanting any interruption.
Does this bring any relief?
Just takes up time until it is time to go to bed. But sleep is also not helpful because I am not getting much.
Does your energy change upon entering your home after returning from work?
Both places are extremely stressful right now. So I can't seem to escape from either of them.
Okay - we have a suggestion for you. We are going to have David send you his book because there are specific parts to it that can be helpful to you. Now, you may want to read it like a story from start to finish, but you may want to use it in other ways. For example, each chapter is a tarot card - do you have a tarot deck?
You can pick a card and then read that chapter. Or, you can seek out the channeled sections and read those. Most of them are towards the back and the energy within those messages can help.
One exercise that would be helpful is to spend an intentful few minutes between work and home. In your car with the AC running, feel the breeze blowing on your face and for a moment, ask that all that attached [to you] at work be left at work. Ask for as much light to enter to help you transform home [stuff]. This is the on-the-way-home exercise. On the way to work, do the same in reverse. Begin to separate the home stress and the work stress. When you have the book, which you might want to keep in the car, you can read a section that you most enjoy in between work and home, home and work.
So - two things to focus on - two exercises of separation - separating what you feel from what your husband feels and separating work energies from home energies. See, part of what is most troublesome is that you are carrying both at once. Even if you are not yet able to let either go, you don't need to carry both together. So the first step is to put one down while carrying the other. Until it becomes natural, it will take an intentful few minutes in between. You can visualize it as a backpack. When you are done with work, specifically take off your work backpack.
[Don’t visualize putting the other one on though! ]
Let's return to how you are feeling right now.
Better able to breathe at the moment. Have a little better understanding of a path forward.
Okay - we now want to talk about you. We've talked a lot about your gift of empathy, which is a very challenging gift to wield. We now want to talk about you - or more significantly, your feelings about you.
How are you feeling about yourself right now?
Scared. Threatened.
That sounds more like how you feel about life maybe. Is that true? What is the source of those feelings? Can you find them? What specifically feels threatening?
Somewhat. I am scared of what is going to happen after the surgery in August, emotionally and physically. I guess the threatened [feeling] would still be from my job. I carry a lack of confidence there and well as energetically for myself.
Let's focus for a moment on this feeling of being threatened. Can you find a specific source of it? See if you can find what specifically feels threatening - a person perhaps?
Work is expecting too high a volume from me and not listening to me when I say I will need help. I have a great fear of failure to them and to myself. I do not understand their intention of what they are pushing on me.
So, if you had to attribute the threat to a being of some kind, it would the company as a whole?
The company is too large to relate directly to me so I would say the layers of management directly related - 2 - 3 people.
Okay - one moment.
Consciousness exists at many levels all at once. So a company has consciousness, a country, a government, a department, a group of any sort. Humans recognize this on a subconscious level and refer to these aggregate consciousness beings as simply 'they'.
This is appropriate, we are just explaining.
So right now, it is accurate to say that you feel threatened, to some degree, by 'they' where 'they' could be a collection of individuals.
Now, each of these aggregate consciousness beings have a higher self just like individuals. And you can communicate with that higher self through your own. That higher self, being a higher self, wishes nothing but love to all.
So an exercise for dealing with a feeling of threat from the outside is to ask your higher self to interact with the higher self of the source of that threat. The reality is that no outside anything can bring to you any harm that you do not allow. The exercise is merely to see this 'they' as having a higher guidance system, to see it/they differently.
Do you understand?
When an individual is doing something hurtful to us, even in our pain, we can reach to see them as a good person doing bad things due to either their pain or a lack of understanding.
Groups are the same. This group is acting out of fear. They fear - collectively – the end of their own existence and are thus giving that fear to others by demanding more from them.
You see, with group consciousness, when the group ceases, the lower consciousness ceases in a similar way to a person dying, and this group does not want to "die".
So, in viewing it in this way, you can see its fear, and thus have understanding. You can also ask (in this higher way) for its support. It cannot live without you.
Okay - it is after 8:00, do you still have some time?
About 10-15 minutes.
Okay - first a summarization of this last point and then back to how you feel about yourself.
When you feel like someone or something outside of you can bring you harm, this exercise of seeing that person or that group or that thing as having a soul and a higher self is to help bring light into the situation.
When you stretch to see these higher aspects of them, you ALLOW the higher aspects of them to be evident to you, and thus you attract higher aspects of them to you, such as support, compassion, understanding, and even love.
So the exercise is just so that you then call forth from them - attract from them - the aspects you wish to experience. It is YOUR power that attracts - it is your vibration - it is your calling. They do not have power over you no matter how much it looks that way. But it is easier to use your compassion to see their light than your power - at least right now. As you move through this, you will then be able to activate your power directly.
Does this make sense?
Yes, it does.
Excellent. Do you see yourself as compassionate?
Very much so.
Is that a characteristic that you appreciate in others?
When someone is compassionate towards you, does that make you feel better?
So does seeing yourself as compassionate allow you to see yourself as someone to appreciate?
Your compassion towards others is a huge gift and a powerful one. When you can see others (individuals or groups) as beings to have compassion for as they struggle with their own fears, then that place you put yourself into helps everyone. Your compassion for them helps you connect to your own source of light and helps you see yourself in that light.
Tell us what you think and/or feel right now about anything.
I am actually feeling more empowered and more confident. For that I must thank you. I have a better way of looking at things and that will help me move through the situation.
I hope this is not disrespectful. But may I ask the name or names of whom I have been talking to?
Our names? Names challenge David for sure, but we shall help him.
For one, the members of Abraham are here. There are others here as well. Your personal guides are here. Samuel is one of them. There are others here that are ancestors - specifically maternal.
Is there a Gertrude in your lineage?
My stepfather’s mother went by Gertrude sometimes, but her name was Gerarda. She went by Sally too.
Okay - before we close we wish one more comment.
You know that David love you, yes?
Absolutely, as I do him.
Do you know WHY he loves you?
I guess not.
He sees who you really are! He sees how lovable you are! He sees how much you deserve to be loved!
He loves loving people in this way. He does not see who everyone really is, but you have let him see you and that is why he loves you so.
This experience is not in any way limited between you.
You, in that moment in San Diego, let him see who you really are and that is all it took. As you let others see who you really are, others will see you and shine their love on you also, and will love loving you.
If you ever feel like a burden, cast that thought away because know that David loves being here for you and others like you because it helps him love himself. So go to him when you need, when you desire, and know that you are giving as much back always.
Allow the reflection of love between you to build both of you up simultaneously.
We brought you together for a reason back in San Diego.
We are going to close now. Thank you for letting us shower you with our love and do call on us frequently.
Thank you all and David for your guidance, support and love.