Friday, June 26, 2009

The One and The Two

[This is very unusual - 2 posts in 1 day - but then again given the subject of this post - I guess it is perfection at work!]

After completing the story of A Fool’s Journey, I decided I wanted to write an appendix for the book, which would contain short descriptions of all of the cards of the Tarot. I was also guided to write about numerology as it related to the Tarot and the story. [For those that have read the book, you know what I am speaking of.]

Within the appendix, there is this section on numerology:

In many ways, Zero exists outside of numerology. That is because you can never arrive at zero from any other number. Zero represents the absolute where nothing is separate, no beginning and no end. Once you move to the One, you must also create the Two because in having an observer, you have the observed. The One and the Two represent duality, the relative realm as opposed to the absolute.

In actuality, all numbers, words, symbols, signs, religions, and philosophies are dualistic (rather than absolute) because they represent pieces and parts of the whole. The absolute is beyond description, really.

Yet, symbols are valuable in helping us to understand our place since we are finding ourselves immersed in duality quite regularly. So let me attempt to recreate some divine guidance that came out of the Akashic Records this week.

I was doing a reading for a dear friend. Before opening the records, I felt that they were going to use the symbols 1 and 2, partly because these numbers kept popping up on my trip and a part of me was curious about them.

So the Record Keepers spoke of manifestation and indeed used the symbols of 1 and 2. Now, in thinking back on the reading, one could say that any manifestation that occurs is like the moving from the 1 to the 2. For example, 1 represents the individual, each of us. 2 represents something outside of ourselves, a person, experience, or thing that we desire. The manifestation journey is the path from the 1 to the 2.

[By the way, I have to share with you that triple digits are very active in my awareness as I type word 333 at 2:22 pm!]

Okay, so here we are a lonely 1 contemplating a 2 that we so deeply desire. Maybe that 2 is another 1 that we wish to have a relationship with. Maybe that 2 is the idea of relationship and the other 1 is not here yet. Maybe that 2 is our body, a job, a house, a car, a feeling of wellbeing, ease or health. The point is, think of the 2 as anything that you desire that you think/feel/perceive is not yet here in your now experience.

So they then kept reminding me that in order to manifest the 2, you have to embrace the power of the 1. What does that mean? Well, if 2 also represents duality, then 1 represents unity. On some level (beyond our awareness) we exist outside of time and space and are forever united with Source and thus connected to All That Is. That means that in some perspective, we already have what we desire, even in all of the colorful details that we can imagine.

Yet, as an individual 1, we sit here not feeling or seeing that specific aspect of All That Is that we desire. We don’t see our partner sitting before us. We don’t have the money. We can’t see our body the way we want it to be. We don’t feel what we want to feel.

But as long as we keep looking at the 2 with eyes that tell us that it is apart from us, we will not be able to get to it. We can’t say to another that they hold our happiness, and then find our happiness. We can’t believe something is lost and find it. We can’t feel powerless and find our power. So how do we get out of this mess?

One message is to contemplate all of the various aspects of 1 until we find the one that is missing. Let’s say we (the 1) are in a relationship and are still sure that we can only be happy if our partner (the 2) changes in a particular way. Every aspect of our relationship and our partner is the 2 relative to us. Anything we wish to be different in our relationship or partner cannot happen through our will to change it/them because while we are focus solely on the 2, we are missing the 1.

What is it in us that makes us think we need something outside of ourselves to be complete, happy, or ecstatic? Think about the feeling of ecstasy. Is it not a feeling that bubbles up from within? Why then does anything outside of ourselves matter?

Replace ecstasy with any other feeling you can think of and answer that same question. Does it matter whether someone is there or not to feel love, loved, happy, joyous, strong, healthy, wealthy, etc.? When you are in love, are you not still in love when the object of your affection is absent from your sight? Being in love is exactly that, it is a state of being where you surround yourself with the energy of love. Nothing is happening. Nothing physical need be present.

Keep desiring all aspects of 2 that you want; that is why we are here. We ARE here to create and experience every nuance of 2 that we choose, yet we must forever return to the 1 in order to meet it.

And notice that every 2 contains 1. In fact, every number from 1 to infinity contains 1. You cannot escape 1 except through zero. Zero is the only number missing 1. The absolute is the only place where individuation is non-existent.

1 is not in the zero, yet zero is in everything.

Think about this: when you’ve reached your wits end and yell out to the universe, “I cannot live another second without this thing that I desire,” what do you think happens? Well, you live another second without that thing you desire. And that is the universe’s way of telling you that you are beyond all limitation. Every limit you place on yourself is just that, a limitation YOU place on your SELF. It is not real. You can claim to the universe as much as you like that you are powerless to go on one more moment without something, and you will defy your own limitation right then and there.

At the end of the reading, the Record Keepers said to me in complete clarity,
“We are not here to tell you your future. We are not the creators of your future.”
Wow – what a powerful statement. If only I create my own future, why on earth would I ever ask another (physical or non-physical) what it will be. No matter how much they see, I am the creator. They can see absolute doom lying right in the road ahead of me, but I have the power to step left, right or turn around right now.

So I ask you, what is in YOUR future? Are you going to settle for anything less than what you want? Draw up into yourself as much intention as you can muster. Feel your desire burn within you. Know YOU are the creator. Yes YOU are the creator. All of the absolute is expressing itself through your little body. You are a tiny little 1 in the middle of billions of others, yet all of the power of the absolute is streaming through every atom, every cell and for every fraction of time that you experience. Do you think that if you state with absolute certainty what would be that it wouldn’t be?

There is all the time in the world for you to find your power, but there is no reason to wait. Look at whatever challenge stands before you and laugh. Nothing outside of you is more powerful than you are, for you are the creator of it all. Go ahead, I dare you to tell the universe that you cannot live one more moment without a solution, and then watch, the universe will prove you wrong. You don’t need anything. You want it. Go ahead and create it. But just know that as long as you give the 2 more power than the 1, you will not succeed.

Go inside and rage with intention. Tell yourself how much you want what you want and stop letting anyone else’s thoughts about it come into your own mind. Send your power in – not out. If you push on your imagined walls, they grow stronger. Don’t push on them, walk right through them!

Be the 1!

Venus, Mars & Michael Jackson

Some number of years ago, I was reading a book or website on Astrology, specifically natal chart interpretation. The writer used Michael Jackson’s birth chart as an example. I don’t remember much of what I read except for one thing that has stuck with me ever since.

The Astrologer talked about Michael’s struggle with what might be called gender expression. Oh, this is good – I was just given that phrase – gender expression. My definition of gender expression is this – it is the way people express the male and female within themselves regardless of their actual gender or sexual orientation.

Gender expression is something that, for whatever reason, I seem to have a specific awareness of. When I look at a person, I see the male and female within them and I see how each is expressed. My guess is that everyone on the planet has a unique signature, a unique gender expression. And again, this is not at all about homosexuality or even sexuality, just expression. [Although I do think one’s sexual expression is indeed a place where they also exhibit their gender expression.]

Remember that book, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus? I never read the book, but it was the rage at the time. Dr. Gray likely touched on gender expression, but I would guess he only focused on men expressing their male side and women their female side. I see both expressed in men and woman and this is what interests me.

Now for the record, I am not an astrologer. I dabble for sure, but I am not even what I would call proficient. However, when I look at natal charts, there are times when I feel like I am seeing something significant. Sometimes it’s as if the chart is simply telling me something I have already observed in the person. Allow me an example...

More than a year ago, I met a man who I observed to have a very strong Mars and a very strong Venus. He was very male (looking), lean and muscular. He was outgoing and confident. I could even see (in a reading) his warrior past lives, numerous and very active within him. Yet at the same time, his strong Venus was also clearly evident to me. I could feel the Venus energy expressed through him, in a number of ways, and just as clearly as the Mars.

In looking at his chart some time later, I saw that there were a number of planets in Aries, ruled by Mars, and that his Venus was in Taurus, the sign it rules and where it is strongest. So, from this, I felt validated in my observation. Maybe the placement of Mars and Venus does have something to do with our gender expression.

Now some number of years ago in the early 2000s, there was an astrological aspect (the Harmonic Concordance) that, at the time, was said to indicate the beginning of an era when feminine and masculine energy would become equal here on Earth. For many, many years before, our planet was dominated by masculine energy and this was about to change.

Since then, it does seem to me that we are in fact moving towards more equality in expression. Men seem to be increasingly comfortable with their female side just as women are becoming more accepted for expressing their masculine side. For example, I see a seemingly increasing number of men connecting to their feminine side as they nurture their young children. And look at how many Hollywood movies have come out in the past 8 years that focused on a heroine of epic proportions – very powerful, yet still very feminine.

In fact, it is not a surprise to me that gay marriage is such a hot topic right now. The Sacred Marriage is the bringing together of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. Mundane marriage has always been viewed as the bringing together of one man and one woman. Yet if we have both within each of us, then the bringing together of male energy and female energy is not limited to a marriage between a man and a woman. Each pairing of two people brings both male and female together. In fact, since each partner has both (regardless of gender), then a coming together of two people is really two marriages at the same time!

And now, back to Michael Jackson. As you all surely know, Michael chose to leave this realm yesterday. Despite not feeling a specific emotion about it myself, I did find it interesting that he chose to leave Earth right as Mars and Venus begin to separate after a their most recent conjunction. Now, this shouldn't be that significant because surely Mars and Venus have come together and separated a number of times in his 50 years, but for some reason, it still strikes me as significant. I started to write about this to friends in an email, and since the information flowed so well, I decided to start over and put it here in my blog.

So Michael Jackson is a man who surely had some challenges dealing with his unique gender expression. Being so publicly observed probably didn’t help him, yet being publicly observed seemed very much a part of his purpose.

So, could the timing of his departure in and of itself be significant? Could this be a sign, an indication that the battle between Mars and Venus is shifting? It is funny because as I wrote that last sentence, it occurred to me that battle is of itself a Mars concept. A conjunction between Mars and Venus is a battle only when Mars is dominant. If Mars and Venus are joined as equals, what is it? A marriage perhaps?

I see Michael Jackson as one who very publicly exhibited the struggle of male/female expression within the individual as possibly experienced by many others. Maybe as his struggle comes to an end, it is a sign that THE struggle is soon (relatively speaking) to follow and on a large scale. Maybe it is time for the male and the female within us to stop fighting. Is one preventing the other from realizing its desires? Do we think that only one can be happy and in spite of the other?

For whatever it’s worth, and if so inclined, it might be a good time to look within ourselves to see the man and the woman, the boy and the girl, to see what each desires and how much freedom each feels right now.

I’m not sure the man and woman within me are very happy. I think they both want things they aren’t getting and are possibly blaming the other for. Maybe I need to go have a talk with them and see what we can work out... LOL
Let me know how it’s going inside of you, with your man and woman, and have a great weekend in the mean time!